Thursday, August 16, 2012

News and Action

Dear Comrades

This is the second of what we hope will be a regular – generally weekly - email from Welsh Labour Grassroots, a network of activists of the left and centre left of the Labour Party in Wales.

We have also set up a WLG blog where the contents of the email will be posted, enabling followers to add comments, other information and have a reference point. The blog also has information relating to the basic position of WLG, a link to our existing but little used website and, if you are a member of the Labour Party, how to join and provide support to our activities. Sympathisers who are not LP members are most welcome to receive and comment on our emails through our blog - just as is currently the case on our WLG Facebook page - and if you wish submit sources and other information to us to be added to the posts, which may help in our discussions and joint action. All posts on the WLG blog will be signposted through Twitter and Facebook.

Left week - LA

Olympic fervour has been difficult avoid even by a non sporty miserablist lefty like myself. The elation written on the faces and expressed in interviews with those who had won a medal was simply infectious at a very human level. You could see that it was the culmination of years of hard work and commitment. It makes the ‘and me’ jumping up and down of some politicians seem churlish and the corporate presence together with their biased distribution of largess – like the BMWs – just appear pathetic.

There have some good comments on Labour List  but I’ve yet to see a socialist conclusion drawn yet. Many will understand and know the history of the organisation and funding of the Olympics and Britain’s improved medal position over the last 12 years better than myself but it does seem to represent, at least in part, democratic state planning, supporting people through facilitative organisation and investment at its best: and all taken forward by the last Labour Government. Pity it was about competitive sport and not restructuring the economy – well look who’s being churlish now!

Left roundup

Labour Representation Committee news reports on preparations for the 20 October TUC demonstration, the 68 is too late campaign both with model motions for LP branches together with industrial action taking place currently. All LP branches should now be making arrangements to ensure a huge turnout of members on the 20th.

Greece has not gone on holiday! The Coalition of Resistance reports on how the Greek ‘austerity’ coalition government is facing new pressures from the EU troika and how resistance is again building. Whilst in Italy the constitutional court has ruled against privatisation.

Following on from the discussion piece about the growing real and ideological collapse of neo-liberalism Labour Left suggest it is time to ‘feel some’ white collars.

Strikes are continuing to save Remploy and if you can’t get to the picket line the GMB union has an online petition . See also Union News.

Labour Party

Things are going quiet for August and I notice that all the leaders have gone abroad for their hols at the same time – national government in operation or agreed neutralising of the issueJ. Anyway here is UK Labour News and that from Welsh Labour.

Owen Smith MP our shadow secretary of state for Wales has been raising some questions about how the relationship of devolved services works with a UK wide provision. And our Welsh Government has produced a consultation document on promoting local democracy. It is too late to comment but raises issues that we on the left might think about developing as the debate is sure to continue.

Welsh Labour Grassroots

Well we are getting the blog going and some days the visitor sessions – people actually read something - have been running at around 20, so not bad for the first week and one supporter has added a comment. Hopefully we can iron out the inevitable bugs over the next few weeks, so bear with us.

All the best

Darren Williams WLG Secretary
Len Arthur WLG Assistant Secretary

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